Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.

The Ethereum Blockchain Explorer
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.

Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.

Etherscan is one of the most trusted and widely used blockchain explorers for Ethereum.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.
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Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Ethereum Logo
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
Ether Price
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
@ 0.028656 BTC
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.

The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
The site includes an API for developers to integrate Ethereum blockchain data.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
Market Cap
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.

Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
2,698.50 M (19.2 TPS)
Med Gas Price
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
It allows users to track Ethereum transactions, wallet addresses, and smart contracts.
Gwei ($1.77)

Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Last Finalized Block
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
It allows users to track Ethereum transactions, wallet addresses, and smart contracts.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Last Safe Block

Transaction History in 14 days
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
It allows users to track Ethereum transactions, wallet addresses, and smart contracts.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.

Latest Blocks

Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
9 secs ago
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.
The site includes an API for developers to integrate Ethereum blockchain data.
Miner Titan Builder
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
310 txns
in 12 secs
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
It allows users to track Ethereum transactions, wallet addresses, and smart contracts.
0.09852 Eth
0.09852 Eth

It allows users to track Ethereum transactions, wallet addresses, and smart contracts.
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
21 secs ago
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
Miner Fee Recipient: 0x24...B06
635 txns
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
in 12 secs
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
06691 Eth
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
0.06691 Eth
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.

Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
33 secs ago
Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
53 txns
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
in 12 secs
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
.08087 Eth
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
0.08087 Eth
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.

The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
It allows users to track Ethereum transactions, wallet addresses, and smart contracts.
45 secs ago
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
Titan Builder
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.
179 txns
in 12 secs0.04453 Eth
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
04453 Eth
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.

It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
It allows users to track Ethereum transactions, wallet addresses, and smart contracts.
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
The site includes an API for developers to integrate Ethereum blockchain data.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.
57 secs ago
Etherscan is one of the most trusted and widely used blockchain explorers for Ethereum.
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
The site includes an API for developers to integrate Ethereum blockchain data.
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.
207 txns
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
It allows users to track Ethereum transactions, wallet addresses, and smart contracts.
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
in 12 secs
0.15892 Eth
It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
0.15892 Eth

The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
290 txns
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
in 12 secs
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
0.09271 Eth
0.09271 Eth
Etherscan is one of the most trusted and widely used blockchain explorers for Ethereum.
View all blocks
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.

Latest Transactions

Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.
9 secs ago

Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
0 Eth
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.

Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
The site includes an API for developers to integrate Ethereum blockchain data.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
It offers insights into decentralized finance (DeFi) projects and dApps.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
Etherscan is one of the most trusted and widely used blockchain explorers for Ethereum.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
9 secs ago
It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
0 Eth
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.

It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.
The site includes an API for developers to integrate Ethereum blockchain data.
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.
The site includes an API for developers to integrate Ethereum blockchain data.
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
9 secs ago
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
0 Eth

Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.
Etherscan displays detailed analytics for Ethereum-based tokens and projects.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
Etherscan is one of the most trusted and widely used blockchain explorers for Ethereum.
It allows users to track Ethereum transactions, wallet addresses, and smart contracts.
9 secs ago
It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.
2 Eth
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
The platform supports ERC-20, ERC-721, and ERC-1155 token tracking.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.

Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.
9 secs ago
Etherscan is one of the most trusted and widely used blockchain explorers for Ethereum.
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
Etherscan is one of the most trusted and widely used blockchain explorers for Ethereum.
0xdAC17F95...13D831ec70 Eth
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
0 Eth
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.
It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.
View all transactions
The explorer helps detect suspicious contracts and potential scams.
Etherscan Logo

Start Strong with EtherScan This Month!
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.
It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.

Connect your wallet to get access to all new features and get free transactions

Free Transactions

Send transactions with no fees .

Developers use Etherscan to verify and interact with Ethereum smart contracts.
It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.

Transaction Cashback
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
Users can explore NFT ownership history and metadata using Etherscan.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.
The site includes an API for developers to integrate Ethereum blockchain data.

Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.

Get tokens back into your account from sending transactions.

Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
Detailed Analytics

Access crypto analytics, forecasts, and market movement alerts to boost profits .

Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
The site includes an API for developers to integrate Ethereum blockchain data.
It helps users verify contract source code for transparency and security.

Connect Wallet
The platform allows setting up wallet alerts to track activity.

Etherscan provides timestamped blockchain data for auditing and verification.
Etherscan provides real-time gas fee data for Ethereum transactions.

Choose how you want to connect. If you don't have a wallet, you can select a provider and create one.

The site includes an API for developers to integrate Ethereum blockchain data.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Trust Wallet
It offers detailed information on smart contract interactions and execution results.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
Users can track whale transactions and significant transfers in real time.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Etherscan enables users to monitor validator and staking statistics for Ethereum 2.0.
The platform includes a feature to decode transaction input data.
Etherscan provides a rich list showing the largest Ethereum holders.
Users can search for transactions, blocks, tokens, and wallet addresses.
Etherscan is a blockchain explorer for the Ethereum network.
Magic Eden